Welcome to world of Walken, the rainbow zebra!

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An enchanting tale about a truly extraordinary young zebra who entered the world with stripes as brilliant as a rainbow. His name is Walken, which means “colours of the rainbow” in Noongar.

Walken sets on a quest to try and find other zebras that look like him as he feels a sense of sadness due to being different, but as his journey unfolds, he discovers that self-acceptance lies in embracing his uniqueness and celebrating his difference!

Author Manuao TeAotonga

About The Author

Manuao TeAotonga is of Maori descent and born in New Zealand, he is the youngest of four children. He grew up in New Zealand and Singapore, before his parents immigrated his family to Australia in 1991. Manuao spent 4 years in the UK where he met his partner before moving back to Australia. Manuao is a Makeup Artist, Actor, Lecturer and is one of the founding members of Vic Park Pride (a LGBTQIA+ community group).

Motivated by his community and his daughter he was inspired to write a book to celebrate diversity and he wanted his book to showcase some of the unique animals that are found in Australia.

Walken is his first book.

About The Illustrator

Winda Mulyasari is an illustrator of children’s books who has had a passion for drawing since childhood. She pursued a formal education in art and eventually earned a bachelor’s degree. Winda has been a professional illustrator since 2016 and has collaborated with authors from all over the world. Her guiding principle is to embrace every creative moment, recognising that each piece of work is unique.

Winda Mulyasari
Sandra Harben


Sandra Harben is a Whadjuk Noongar yorga and traditional custodian. Noongar is the name of the people of the Noongar Nation, the traditional owners of the southwest of Western Australia.

To be Noongar is to belong; it is to have connection to our boodja – country, our moort – family, and to kaartdijin – knowledge. To be Noongar is to be a river person or a coastal person or just from the bush. It is to have pride and to survive. We need to celebrate it – the journey.